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Cubmaster's Corner - March


Helllloooooo Pack 716!

As the beautiful month of March begins after so much rain these last few weeks, our beautiful city of Yorba Linda and the surrounding hills are green and the flowers are blooming as winter gives way for spring. “For the times they are a-changin’,”, sang Bobby Dylan back in the day and so things are still changing today. Among these changes is a change in leadership within our pack. Mrs. Martha Marshall became our Committee Chair in December and is doing a fantastic job. After such an amazing Blue and Gold Ceremony with delicious food and so many incredible Star Wars characters, Cubmaster Kevin has left our pack and I will be the new Cubmaster for the next year. I feel privileged to help our pack and promise to do my best as I follow in his stead. I am cheerful to step to the role and am eager to try some new things with our pack meetings to keep them fun for the scouts, informative for the parents, and timely for all. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with your questions, concerns, and feedback.

Yours in Scouting,

Cubmaster Jarod Laub

Scout Law theme: Cheerful. A scout looks for the bright side of things. They cheerfully do tasks that come his/her way. A scout tries to make others happy.


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